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(정보공유) [국제노동사회법학회] 국제노동사회법학회(ISLSSL) 유럽대회 안내
등록일 : 17-04-19 12:20






2017. 9. 20 ? 9. 22 개최되는 국제노동사회법학회 유럽대회를 안내드립니다.(International Society for Labour and Social Security Law(ISLSSL) XII. European Regional Congress) 안내를 드립니다.



C? Foscari University of Venice에서 18-24 June 2017에 개최되는 the 4th International Seminar on Global Trade and Labour Rights 도 알려 드립니다.

등록은 2/27-5/30 까지며, 장학금(1,220 유로) 신청기한은 5/2입니다.



관심있으신 분들께서는 아래 웹사이트를 확인하시여 등록해주길 바랍니다.




국제노동사회법학회과 관련된 자세한 사항은, 아래 초대문과 관련 링크를 참고해주시길 바립니다.



Invitation to the ISLLSL XII. European Regional Congress in Prague


Dear colleague,

As you have been probably informed already, the XII. European Regional Congress of the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law (ISLSSL) is going to be held for the first time in Prague, Czech Republic 20.-22. September 2017. We have an exciting scientific program - see http://www.ercprague2017.cz/en/program/. Several hot topics (like migrant workers, labour and social security reforms, sport and labour law etc.) will be discussed by most distinguished researchers.

Coming to Prague in occassion of our congress is a great opportunity to meet old friends and also new colleagues, as well as to enjoy most beautiful places of Prague (including historical seat of the acient Charles University, where the opening ceremony will take place, or the most beautiful Art Nouveau building in the world, where we will have the gala dinner).

We have already opened the registration at http://www.ercprague2017.cz/en/, until the end of April early bird registration fee prices are offered and until the same date we guarantee also a wide selection of great centrally located hotels at special prices (due to exclusivity of the season and place, options for best hotels at best prices might expire after 30.4.) .

I really do hope to be able to welcome you in Prague for this occasion.

It goes withoug saying, that we will be more than grateful, if you could disseminate this invitation among your colleagues.


Kind regards and see you in Prague in September

Jan Pichrt, chairman of the organising committee